Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wow I can't believe that it has been like six months since I have updated my blog. I feel just horriable about it. It seems like so much has happened since than. first of all as you all know we are having another baby, a girl due the last part of September. We are so exicted to add a new mamber to our family. Rylee is so happy to have a little sister. Becca wanted a brother (we all did actually) but we have been blessed with another little girl. it is nice because we still have some nice clothes left and that helps a lot. I still have been buying things when I can see they are on sale. The girls have been helping pick stuff out and they love it. Hey and I already know what to expect from a girl.
Second thing Becca has just finshed kindergarten I can not believe how fast the year has gone. Becca has finshed at the top of her class. we got a report card and she is above the school and national average in all subjects. we are so proud of her. It is so nice that I can give her a book and she can just sit down and read it without asking me what every other word is she loves to read and to read to Rylee. She is so exicted to go to first grade and asks me at least once a day whan will summer be over so she can go back to school. I wonder how long it will last.
Now the latest thing that has been going on is we have finally found a new place to live. we will be moving to Springville this month. It is a duplex and it has three bedrooms and is about 300 square feet bigger than the apt we are currently in. I think it will be so nice to be in a quieter neighborhood where there are more stay at home moms and kids that are the girls age. It will be nice to make some new friends not that we dont like the ones we have cause we love them but it is always nice to make more. We will be closer to my grandparents house which I am happy about. I love to spend time with them and the girl love it also. That is all I can think about right now I will do my best to update soon and have some pictures.


  1. Yay! All of these things are so great! :) We are excited that you are able to get into a better place and a better place! I am also excited for little Crystal Lite to get here :)

    We love you too and hope you don't forget about us in your move!

  2. Good luck moving! I'm glad you found a good place. :) It's good to hear an update from you. We wonder about you guys and Ethan is always pretending that he is playing with "Little Rylee and Little Becca" who are now his imaginary friends, along with his pretend dog "Peaches."
